
Why do we give?

As Christians, we believe we are the recipients of incredible, undeserved generosity from God. He hasn't treated us as our sins deserve - but has poured out his mercy and kindness to us - and continues to do so every day!

One of the ways we respond to God's generosity is to give our money cheerfully and sacrificially to honour God, and make Him known.

100% of our budget comes from the giving of members of our church - that's you! Please prayerfully consider how you can partner with us in God's work at Latimer Church.

How to give

There are many ways you can give to support our ministries here at Latimer Church. Below are our details for online banking and direct debit payments. Please contact our church staff for additional payment options or assistance.

If your giving is for a specific purpose, please include the details in the online reference.

Online Banking

To give financially to Latimer Church, online is easiest! The details for the Latimer Church account are:

Account Name:
Latimer Church Incorporated

For General Giving:

For the Ministry Apprentice Fund: